Today's Survey assignment was this 'Sellers Marine Survey' on this 5 year old Home Built Aluminium Yacht. She is also up for sale!

The immersed hull was of welded 8mm aluminium. She had a raked stem, counter transom stern with a deep draft ballasted keel extending aft to form the rudder and skeg. The hull plates were internally stiffened via welded frames spaced at approximately 800mm centres along with various bulkheads welded amidships forward and aft. The superstructure was of a similar construction in 6 and 5mm aluminium.

Unique Bambo wood interior carefully crafted by the owner who along with the hull has turned this into a prestige Yacht. Note regarding ‘Home Built Vessels’ and CE exemptions. The Recreational Craft Directive is a European Union directive which sets out minimum technical, safety and environmental standards for boats, personal watercraft, marine engines and components in Europe. It covers boats built between 2.5 and 24m, personal watercraft, engines and a number of components built since 1998. It ensures their suitability for sale and use in Europe. As in this case with the above directive she is recognised as a ‘Home Completed Craft’ and therefore is covered by the ‘five year rule’.
Vessels built prior to July 1998 do not have to adhere to the requirements of the Recreational Craft Directive. To meet the ‘home build exemption’ the boat must have been used exclusively, as a recreation craft, by the builder and not further placed on the market for at least 5 years.
Drop me an email at for any more information.